Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Super Busy...and stuff...

This girl has been super-busy lately. And while my days seem to fill up with long to-do’s, grown-up chores, and responsibility, I’m finding my head and my heart are in an extremely good place. I feel like I am finally mastering this ‘single-girl’ lifestyle. I’m happy most every-single-day. I prioritize working out and eating well, but I’m not hard on myself when I need a cheat day. I’m focusing hard at work, I’m being realistic about not over-committing myself in my personal life, and I am learning to say no when something doesn’t sound appealing or I simply can’t make the time.

I’m also embracing all of life’s changes. If it is anything I have learned, the only thing you can rely on in life is change. Constantly. A few weeks back, it was announced that we were going to be re-organized at work, and my current role will be sent overseas. Upper management assured us a plan was in works, they were working to map each of us, and the announcements would all be made as soon as possible. After waiting nearly three weeks to find out if we each had a job, meetings finally popped up on our schedules. After only four months in my current role post-promotion, I will be moving to a new team, from my current Sr. Product Developer role into a Sr. Technical Developer role. The true proof in my feeling of being in a good place personally was my reaction to this news. Right away, I was more than thankful to hear that I would still be employed with the company I love, still working directly with product, and fortunate to be moving with some of my current coworkers. Rather than be nervous about moving to a new, larger group and having to learn a new role, I am embracing it as a positive. Obviously all of this change was out of my control, so the only choice is to dive in with a positive attitude, ready and willing to get my hands dirty. As others were not as fortunate as I, my workload grew upon absorbing styles of those who were unfortunately let go. Translation – I see a lot of 10-12 hour workdays in my future…

In between keeping busy at work, I’ve spent weekends in Palm Spring and Vegas with girlfriends, attending art shows, meeting friends for happy hour, BBQ-ing with friends and family, getting as many runs in as possible out in the sunshine, and the occasional evening at the bar with a friend, drinking one too many ‘Pendleton on the rocks with a slice of lemon’. Last Saturday in particular, I was out with a girlfriend and had one too many shots of whiskey. We were discussing the time it takes to date, and the difficulty of meeting people. I don’t prefer to date people at work, where, let’s face it, I spend the majority of my time, and I’m not out at the bars thinking that I will realistically be meeting men of high quality. The next best route is through friends, but even that comes with its challenges.

As we sat there discussing, my friend pulled out her phone and reactivated her online dating profile. I enjoyed clicking through the site and seeing what it was all about, as I have always had really terrible pre-conceived notions about online dating. I began clicking on anything that caught my eye – the good, the bad, the ugly! My friend suddenly informed me to stop clicking on the ‘ugly’ ones. Apparently everyone can see when you view them. Taking her phone back, she told me to ‘get my own’. So, right there in the bar, after one too many drinks, I’m embarrassed to say, I signed up for my first online dating site.

I’ve been against it because I don’t want to seem desperate, and I have felt "too young". I know things cannot be forced, so I guess in my mind, if I was ‘actively looking online’ that translated to desperate. The liquid courage was just what I needed to push me to sign up and just not care.

First, I had to come up with my dating handle – which I appropriately chose ‘busyandstuff’ (which also happens to be an inside joke between some girlfriends and I at work… a favorite way to reject men). Second, I added few pictures:

I had exactly 3 photos on my phone that were solely of me. I set a few ‘ground rules’, starting with not posting photos of any of my friends (it’s not fair to put their pictures where they may not want them), and not doing any sort of weird cropping on existing photos to cut people out. I figured these three photos were a). decent enough, b). accurately portray what I look like considering they were all taken in 2013, and c). followed the above two mentioned rules. Other rules were as follows:

1)  Don’t be quick to share my name – I don’t need any creepers googling me and my 5-year-old-name
2) Don’t share where I work until meeting in person
3) Start with a drink or coffee – as a quick escape might be needed

Next was to write about yourself, which obviously no one really likes doing, but everyone loves to state ‘I hate talking about myself’. My drunk tactic was to keep things short and sweet, and not to mention ‘I am still weary of this whole online dating thing’ (people love to say that, too, but the fact is, we are all here). Luckily the site has it broken into a number of simple-enough-to-answer questions, i.e. – a self summary, what you are doing with your life, the first thing people usually notice about you, six things you can’t live without, and so on.

Almost immediately you can see a number of people have viewed your profile the minute you upload a photo. Then, the messages start pouring in. I’d say at least 10+ a day since I signed up. The fun and funny part comes in the weeding through them. At first I just had to start writing the messages in a word document, as I knew they would make for great blogging material. (MANY of my friends were urging me to join an online dating site, as they already love my crazy dating stories. Consider them about to be amplified times a million…) Then, I remembered the saving grace that is the “screenshot”. Too many good ones – I can’t not share. I had my good girlfriend at lunch today in deep belly laughs from all of the amazing things I have encountered in the mere 10 days in which I have been an online dater. AND, those who know me best know my love of bull$h!tting with people. But, since I am being responsible about this whole online dating, I have not responded to any of the below, and instead, I will respond here, where everyone can enjoy the thoughts that cross my mind.

First, my favorites that I was too quick to delete before getting a screen shot:

“Gurl, jus give me da chance to get wit it, I promise you ain’t eva be with no white dude again”
- If his enticing, sexy message didn’t get me, the spelling and grammar definitely did.

“Come over and watch some movies and I'm gonna barbecue island style? i have a beautiful house in north portland on n.willamette blvd. with an amazing view of downtown portland and the river. I have some tequila shots or some oregon wine and I can pick u up. Ric”
- I'm not sure, but I think what you are saying, Ric, is you have a house, a car, food, and tequila – and you want to share ALL of that with me? Take-me-ta-NoPo! Do you live near the Dancin’ Bare?

“Do you like a guy that's commited, mature, responsible, talkative adventurous, humorous, romantic, experienced, affectionate, and honest?”
- I assume committed is similar to this 'commited' that you mention? What, may I ask, are you experienced in? And are you saying you know where to find a guy like that? Or are you just interested in knowing what I am looking for?

Then we have the funny:
Yes, come to think of it, I think all the men around me are, indeed, blind.

Say WHAAAAA? He must be able to tell from my face shots that I have a nice-ass-booty. Lucky me.

 Clever. So you're saying I am above average? SCORE! 

Considering I expressed my love of running in my profile, sharing that you enjoy being lazy and eating donuts is definitely the way to my heart.

Then there is the random:
I think I am actually at a loss for words here. But I for sure think asking this man to shoot me out of a cannon is a fantastic idea. 

I'm sorry, were you dropped on your head as a child, Michael? What I really wanted to write back was 'I am totally interested, but I am looking to take on many husbands - when it becomes legal, that is.'

A goddess? FOR REALZ? While this is really random, I must say, this guy is probably a hopeless romantic. Or a super good schmoozer....

Next, we have the desperate:
I'm sorry Joe - not only did I not check my account every 5 minutes to find your first two messages, but you were clearly desperately paroozing and re-clicked on my profile and started an entirely new message a mere 41 minutes after the first two messages you sent. I'm pretty sure this one grew up eating paint chips...the kind with lead...

Why thank you for giving me an entire 4 minutes to respond to your first creepy request. I'm thinking I'm going to answer with, "not in this lifetime, buddy".

And then, the downright gross:
This is the best photo you had? Let me tell you a little secret, my 44-yr-old friend (who, yes, I admit, after seeing he visited my page I HAD to take one for the team and click on his page to capture this primo quality screen shot)- WOMEN DON'T LIKE THE WHITE UNDIES...whether they be boxers, briefs, or banana hammocks. Haven't you ever heard of the term "tighty whities"? White is just gross. How about you slip into something a little more sexy and black? And what are you hiding with your cropped photo, cause you already admitted to being 44. I beg to differ on the 'educated gentleman' point in your self-summary...

Are you trying to keep it friendly, like a father figure, hoping that maybe, just MAYBE I might cross the line of friendly to romantic? I can't decide if I am more disgusted by this thought, or the thought that you think I am dumb enough to assume Prince Charming is real. I'm going to make like Mulan and be my own ninja-princess. She still ends up with a man, so there is hope for me yet, and I won't have to resort to lesbianism. I'm all for love who you want...I just personally prefer men.

I'm sorry - does that say married? What are you doing on here? You might just win title of "most gross". Also, I can't help but notice that 'BiggusDuckus' viewed my profile...and his photo of him shoving who-knows-what in his mouth goes along with his dating handle quite appropriately...

Then, of course, there is this:
Only 20% enemy? This number seems oddly low... Remind me to add ‘Ryan’s need not apply’ to my profile.

After weeding through all of the above and then some, I have to admit, I have actually found a number of seemingly decent men through this site. While I have only actually met a few in person, those that I have met have actually proven to live up to their online profile. I’m learning what to look for, and how to best navigate this whole online dating concept. While some I would see again, there are others that I might not go out of my way to keep in contact with. But, that is the whole idea. I will either meet great people, or I will have great stories. While I’m not sure the extent of what I am looking for by being online, I have to admit, the attention and thrill of the unknown is fun and exciting. Maybe I will go on a lot of short lived dates, or maybe I will find someone who is worth keeping around for a while. While I can't say I am actively seeking a "serious relationship", I am looking to meet fun new people and I'm open to whatever that means those relationships may or may not grow into. 

And lastly, I will leave you with what could possibly be the best story so far. The first man that I (almost) met from an online dating site - insert Rob:

Or so that is the name he gave me. "Rob" contacted me, seemed to be able to carry on a decent conversation, and had a good/interesting job. We chatted back and forth until he asked me to meet him for a drink. Upon arriving at the spot he chose, I walked by a man that was standing outside that looked a bit oddly in my direction. A man that did not look like any of his pictures (and let’s just say, his pictures weren’t exactly God’s gift to women…and of course I had to pick the most silly of the bunch to post here…). I walked inside, and received a message that he was there. I could still see (who I assumed was him) standing outside, so I messaged him to let him know I just walked in, and asked if he was still outside. Upon hitting send, I then saw "Rob" receive my message, re-look at my online profile, and suddenly grabbed his bicycle that he apparently arrived on, and took off.

My first thought was to give him the benefit of the doubt, and not assume that it was him. There I go being all happy again…a few minutes go by, and I finally get another message stating “Shit, something came up at work and I have to go back.” My next thought was “he didn’t think I was pretty!” and I wanted to go full-on-girl-crazy on his ass. And then…I laughed. My pictures look like me, and I know I am not so hideous that this man couldn’t stand to sit and have a drink with me for 30 minutes. AND, he contacted ME. This was on him – whether he really did have something come up (HIGHLY unlikely…), he was nervous, had a panic attack, or possibly was intimidated and thought maybe my pictures were “GOOD” pictures of me - his were clearly "GOOD" of him. Ok, maybe not the above one, but 'ya live and ya learn'.

I laughed that this was the beginning of my crazy online dating stories. I smiled that I knew better than to let “Rob” make me feel badly about myself. I then decided that I wanted to let “Rob” know he was the definition of douche-baggery, that I saw him outside, and that his actions were not manly – but in the nicest way possibly. I simply typed “Considering you were standing outside, the decent thing would have been to let me know in person before you left” – from “Rob’s” lack of response, I’m pretty sure he knew better than to send me another lie. I win.

As I walked back to my car, I had to call my Mom (who was probably standing by for my ‘all-clear, no rape occurred’ phone call). Upon telling her the story, her first response was “Well, what were you wearing?”

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom :) I still cannot stop laughing that THAT was your first thought. She wanted to know if I scared him away with these:

And all I have to say to that is this: Thank you Mom & Dad, for raising me strong, and teaching me to love ME, and not worry about what other people may think. If a man can’t hang with my choice of footwear/my shoe problem, then he has no place in my life!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing hysterically, Kylee! Like "water coming out my nose" hysterical! Too funny! And yes, EEEWWW to tighty whities! Disgusting >:P Keep the posts coming! Good stuff, hunny! *hugs* xoxo ~ TSF
