Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ship time: 29 DAYS

Two days ago I received a notice on my door that I had a package attempted to be delivered via certified mail. I racked my brain trying to think of what it could be - as you have to drive out to the post office (conveniently located in the middle of nowhere) to sign for the item. The only other time I had received such a notice was when I was building my house and some of the financial paperwork/notifications are sent via certified mail to ensure the person who receives them is the person they were intended for.

Then, it hit me - the shoes I ordered 29 days ago! I had come across them while doing research for my 4 year old nieces' shoe themed birthday cake. These beauties popped up on the screen, and while I am usually extremely indecisive (a topic I am sure I will touch on eventually), I knew the minute I saw them that I had to have them. (Note: I have already admitted to being a shoe addict...I have a problem...)

I ordered these bad boys right away, but was a little sad-faced when I saw the ship time was 15-29 days.

Luckily I had completely forgotten about them until I received that little orange card on my door, and it was like a surprise gift, to myself of course!

Needless to say, they make me happy! AND I am super glad they were sent via certified mail - as they reached the person they were intended for!

A Happiness Introduction

I am a really good procrastinator. In fact, I am pretty sure I can always find something to do, at any given time, just to put off life’s always-long to-do list. Take this blog for example: I have entertained the idea of starting one for about a year now. My intention was to write a blog as a sort of “therapy outlet” and a way to document my life goals, progress, inspiration, and well – my choice to live a happy life.

This has been one of the most challenging, emotional years, and a roller coaster filled with highs and lows. Yet, I can honestly say, it has also been the best year of my life. I say this because it has tested me, tested my patience, solidified positive relationships, allowed me to excuse toxic people from my life and taught me that my happiness is my own choice.

No matter what the circumstances, you can always choose to look at the positive. Some days:
- The positive will be hard to identify.
- There will be tears.
- You will make mistakes.
- You will hate your job (or car, or hair, or whatever else).

But, the beauty of it all is that every-single-day, there is something to be thankful for.
- You are breathing.
- You can embrace emotion – tears are just your sadness escaping.
- ‘Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life’ – Sofia Loren
- You have a job.

The great thing about happiness is that no matter how long you have procrastinated and put it off, you can wake up one day and choose to live happy. Happy people do not have the best of everything, nor everything they could ever want. Their lives don’t live out to a perfect ideal or so-called “status quo”. Happy people are content and grateful for what they already have, and look forward with optimism and a positive mindset. Simply choosing to be positive, no matter what has been thrown my way this past year has truly opened my eyes to our greatest life choice – to be HAPPY.

This blog is really for me. However, I think I have faced some challenges in life that are unfortunately all too common. Though I was not able to choose the circumstances that occurred, I was able to choose the outcome for my own happiness and wellbeing. I have also realized that if I am able to share my story(ies) and inspire even one person, then it will all be worth it (and make me happy).

So, here is to starting - picking up the pieces, stopping the procrastination, and just getting to work. You don’t have to do it all at once, you just have to start.