I have realized life is like a jigsaw puzzle. We are born
with all the pieces to create the end photo, and life’s journey is about
putting all of them in just the right spot. If you're not careful, you may
lose a few pieces along the way. If you are in a rush, you miss the enjoyment
of the task of putting each piece into the right place. Or, you might try to
smash a piece into place that simply doesn’t fit.
Just like no person determines your happiness, there is no
person that is your ‘missing piece’. You hold all the pieces, and others simply
help you place some of those to form the correct picture. Others may assist in
your happiness, or add to it, but you are the only person who determines it.
Take full responsibility for it. The right people will help create the picture,
and the wrong people will sit at your puzzle for a short amount of time before
giving up.
You can learn something from each piece you attempt to
place. Your eye learns color shades and key things to look for on each shape,
much like encountering people and opportunities and learning from those
experiences. If you can focus on what you learn and what you can do next,
rather than dwell on what went wrong, you can set a challenging piece aside,
refocus, and continue on your path. That piece can always be placed at a later
date. The fact is that you attempted something wholeheartedly, you tried, and
you can celebrate your efforts.
Many people get extremely frustrated by puzzles, much like
many people become frustrated in life. They lose sight of the end picture.
Sometimes, the puzzle has a way of spilling off the table. This can be from
carelessness or neglect, either on your own part, or someone else’s. Pieces you thought were in place suddenly
wiggle loose. You are left to pick up the pieces, place them back in the box,
jumble it up, and start over.
Those who are careful pull all of the edge pieces out to
establish the framework – they set themselves on the safe path with the most
stability. Some people are more carefree and just start putting any two pieces
together that they can match up. The beautiful thing is, there is no one right
way. Each time you set out, you run the risk that the puzzle may fall again. Once
you learn this, you grow more and more comfortable with takings risks. Each
time your puzzle jumbles, you learn how to carefully pull all the pieces back
together – you at least hold all of the pieces to become whole again, even if you
come across a hard time and cannot fit any one piece that particular day.
Each and every person has their own puzzle to put together -
we all must learn to operate in the present. The past is history or already placed, and
the finished product means you have reached the end. We can help place pieces
in each other’s puzzles, but just as we each have our own journey in life, we
each hold our own pieces. You determine where each piece fits. Smile when
someone helps place a correct piece. Be thankful when you can pull an
incorrectly placed piece – it means someone was not correctly placed in your
life. They most certainly taught you something, and will either exit your life,
or simply step back and continue placing pieces until they do fit.
While I spent the past couple of days picking back up my
pieces after a rough weekend, I am now in slightly better spirits. I smiled
knowing I knew how to pick up all the pieces after being knocked down. My
puzzle might be starting over again, but I know that I will figure out how to
best place the pieces. I know that all of the pieces are there. I know that I
need to refocus on myself and what fulfills me.
While I zoned out at work today listening to Pandora, Jack Johnson 'Breakdown' came on. I had heard this song a number of times, but I
actually listened to the words today. It speaks to people being caught up in
moving so fast, and how he wishes his train would breakdown so that he could
explore, meet people, and enjoy the journey.
I decided that rather than racing to put the pieces back
into place, I will take this experience as my train breaking down. It is
reminding me to slow down, do some exploring, and listen to my inner voice.
When you can overcome issues, it makes life feel meaningful. My broken down
train is reminding me to be joyful in my journey – besides when every piece is
placed and the big picture is revealed, it means that it is over…